аннотация перевод на английский

Автор Ёжик Муськин задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Аннотация по английскому и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
1. Text 54 deals with radium and its properties.
2. At the beginning of the text the history of uranium and its compounds is described.
3. The text says that uranium and its compounds were investigated and found to emit penetrating rays.
4. These rays were found to differ from X-rays.
5. Further work showed that an uranium mineral called pitchblende was much more strongly radioactive, because it contained some undiscovered element of greater
radioactive power than uranium itself.
6. The text contains much information concerning the research of the unknown element conducted by a Polish woman living in France, M. Curie, together with her husband, Pierre Curie.
7. As the result of this research, the new element was given the name radium.
8. The main property of radium is its radioactivity.
9. It is clear from the text that the second property of the uranium atom is the emission of heat.
10. In conclusion the author of the text says that radium atom may be seen to be a sourse of energy that is released during the radioactive disintegration.
Olga Tishineva
Any time!:-)

Ответ от Наталия Медведева[новичек]
At the end of the 19th century uranium compounds were investigated and found to emit penetrating rays.Radium is interesting particularly because it emits rays which are believed This seems evidence that the emission of heat is a property of the radium atom. Thus, radium atom may be seen to be a source of energy that is released, in part, during the radioactive disintegration.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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