active words and word combinations слова

Автор Женя Маркеева задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

помогите с заданием, пожалуйста... очень нужно проверить сестре дз, а изучаю немецкий ... и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от МК[гуру]
It was Monday yesterday. I got up at about seven o’ clock. Then I did my morning exercises, washed and had breakfast. At 8.30 I left the house and walked to the station. It took me fifteen minutes to get there. I got on the 9 o’ clock train and arrived in the city at a guarter to 10, and went to my office. A the office I was busy till 6 p.m. When I came home I had dinner and then I had a short rest. In the evening I like (to read?) a little, but yesterday I sat down into my favourite armchair and watched TV. Then I rang up my (friend?) Harry and told him that I wanted to see him at the weekend. Harry agreed. Then I turned off the light and went to bed.P.S. Не хватает двух слов. Я вставил их по смыслу (они в скобках с вопросительным знаком) . перепроверьте еще раз.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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