acid rain текст на английском

Acid rain текст на английском

Автор Fanny lol задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Виталий Шембергер[гуру]
Пожалуйста. Думаю, это тот самый минимум.Acid Rain1) The problemCars burn petrol, factories and power stations burn coal and emit toxic fumes. So, the air that we breathe becomes polluted.2) Air pollution acid rainThis pollution is gathered in clouds and with the oxygen and water in the atmosphere it becomes acid. The winds carry the polluted clouds across long distances. When it rains, this pollution lands everywhere!3) Water and soil pollutionWhen acid rain falls into lakes, rivers and seas, they become toxic. When acid rain flows through the soil, it poisons plants. Acid rain also causes serious damage to important objects4) Good newsThe good news is that governments have been trying to reduce the air pollution that causes acid rain.Some industries have been using new technologies for some time to help make factory smoke less harmful to the environment. But we need to do more!

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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