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Автор Миша задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите правильно перевести кусочек текста (абзац) на английский - для канала на youtube и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Count[гуру]
Hello! Welcome to my channel which is dedicated to edited videos on various subjects. The channel is growing fast and will be even more exciting in the future. I am not trying to upload as many videos as possible. 1-3 videos a week is enough. Hope you like it here and join our friendly audience. We have a warm and cozy environment based on mutual respect.
Источник: А в предыдущем ответе есть недочеты

Ответ от Pisicik[гуру]
Hello! Welcome to my channel, which is dedicated to video clips (mounted) on very different subjects. The channel is actively developing in the future will be even more interesting. For the amount of video is not chasing because of 1-3 videos a week. Hope

Ответ от Pisicik[гуру]
Hello! Welcome to my channel, which is dedicated to video clips (mounted) on very different subjects. The channel is actively developing in the future will be even more interesting. For the amount of video is not chasing because of 1-3 videos a week. Hope

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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