i an email to my friend yesterday

Английский язык 5 класс портфолио ответы

Автор Дзера Алдатова задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Английский язык 5 класс и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Unknown[активный]
Ну ты лошара))

Ответ от Џна Ткачук[новичек]
Слушай, зайди на сайт 4book.org и там напиши какая у тебя книжка, и напиши решебник или ГДЗ

Ответ от Stanislawa[гуру]
1. He spent last summer in the country. 2. He did not to spend last summer in the
country. 3. Did he spend last summer in the country? 4.
Where did he spend last summer? 5. She helped mother yesterday. 6.
She did not help moth­er yesterday. 7. Did she help mother yesterday? 8. How did
she help mother yesterday? 9. Kate cooks dinner every day. 10. Kate will
cook dinner tomorrow. 11. Kate is not cooking dinner now. 12. Kate cooked
dinner yesterday. 13. I do not eat ice-cream every day. 14. I am not eating
ice-cream now, 15. I will not eat ice-cream tomorrow. 16. I did not eat
ice-cream yesterday. 17. Do you go to school every day? 18. Are you going to
school now? 19. will you go to the south next summer? 20. Did you go abroad
last summer? 21. What does your brother do every day? 22. What is your brother
doing now? 23. What will your brother do tomorrow? 24. What did your brother do

Ответ от Kaksinio[гуру]
Упр. 184. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. Mother cooked a very tasty dinner yester­day.
2.Tomorrow Nick won't go to school.
3. Look! My friends are playing football.
4,Kate doesn't write letters every day.
5. Did you see your friend yesterday?
6, Did your father go on a busi­ness trip last month?
7. What did Nick doyester-1 day?
8. When does Nick get up every morning?
9, Where will yourmother go tomorrow?
10. I invited my friends to come to my placetomorrow.
11. He won't play the piano tomorrow.
12. We saw a very goodfilm last Sunday.
13. Does your mother cook every day?
14. We made a[fire last summer.
15. I spent last summer at the sea-side.
16. Where did youto spend last sum­mer?
17. Where will he spend next summer? !
18. What is motherdoing now? — She is cooking din­ner.
19. I didn't play computer gamesyesterday.
20. Last Sunday we went to the theatre.
21. I met myfriend yesterday.
22. I wrote a letter [to my cousin yesterday.
23, Will ouwrite a dicta­tion tomorrow?
24. I'm not writing a report now.
Упр. 185. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла-голы в одном из следующих времен: PresentContinuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. We went on a tramp last Sunday.
2. Will your brother go to the country with us next Sunday?
3. Granny isn'tcooking dinner now.
4. We cooked our meals on a fire last summer.
5. My sisterwashes the dishes every morning.
6. When do you go to school?
7. What will you preparefor breakfast tomorrow?
8. Did you invite your cousin to stay with you next summer?
9. How did you help your sister last summer?
10. I am sending a letter to my friend tomorrow.
11. Every morning on the way to school I meet my friends.
12. My friend goes to the library every Wednesday.
13.He didn't go to the country yesterday.
14. Why did you go to the shopyesterday?
15. We will grow tomatoes next summer.
16. What are you doing now?
17.He is sleeping now.
18. Where did your father work last year?
19. Will you goto the south next summer?
20. He didn't watch TV yesterday.
21. Yesterday we wrote a test-paper.
22. I bought a very good book last Tuesday.
23. My granny didn't buy bread yesterday.
24. What will you buy at the shop tomorrow?
25. Don't makenoise! Father is working

Ответ от рабец михаил[новичек]

Ответ от Macha ivanova[активный]
Не списывайте с гдз там тьма ошибок, у вас что голова не работает

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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