забор перевод на английский

Автор Алла Акрусова задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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I know that the British climate is very mild, and the British don't see much snow in winter. Therefore, when starting to go heavy snow, it could be a disaster.
Last winter was especially cold, and one night there was a heavy snowstorm. So when Mr. white woke up in the morning, he saw that his garden is full of snow. The snow was so deep that Mr. white could not take out his car. That's why he paid the man, so he cleared the snow from the walkway, which stretches from the garage to the gate. He said to the man: "do Not throw snow on this side because it will damage the bushes in my garden, and they will be deformed; and do not throw to the other side because it will damage my fence. And do not throw on the street, the cops will be pissed. "Then Mr. white went to the office, and the man started to work.
When Mr. white came back, the path was clear, and snow was not on the bushes or the fence or on the street. Mr. white was happy until I opened the garage to take the car.
You can imagine how Mr. white was shocked when he saw that all the snow from the track was dumped on top of his car. The garage was full of what Mr. white had.

Ответ от Алёна Александрова[активный]
переводчик гугл

Ответ от Михаил шевцов[новичек]
s idgvfuejchehecxejnj0xjd nbgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggrrgftr65

Ответ от Кетти Кабирова[новичек]
I know that the British climate is very mild, and the British don't see much snow in winter. Therefore, when starting to go heavy snow, it could be a disaster.
Last winter was especially cold, and one night there was a heavy snowstorm. So when Mr. white woke up in the morning, he saw that his garden is full of snow. The snow was so deep that Mr. white could not take out his car. That's why he paid the man, so he cleared the snow from the walkway, which stretches from the garage to the gate. He said to the man: "do Not throw snow on this side because it will damage the bushes in my garden, and they will be deformed; and do not throw to the other side because it will damage my fence. And do not throw on the street, the cops will be pissed. "Then Mr. white went to the office, and the man started to work.
When Mr. white came back, the path was clear, and snow was not on the bushes or the fence or on the street. Mr. white was happy until I opened the garage to take the car.
You can imagine how Mr. white was shocked when he saw that all the snow from the track was dumped on top of his car. The garage was full of what Mr. white had.

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