write sentences about willow

Write sentences about what you did yesterday

Автор Алёна задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от ВЕРА Ворошилова[гуру]
1)Yesterday I went to my work in the morning.
2) I listened to musik and I liked it very much.
3) In the evening I watched TV and met with my friends.
4)I played computer games and read a book.
5) At 11 o'clock I went to bed.

Ответ от Spathi[гуру]
1)I drunk 3 cans of beer
2)I smoked a damn good weed.
3)I bought a pack of cocain.
4)I took a condom and fucked my bitch so hard that she screamed like an amplifer.
5)I pissed on high-voltage electric wire.

Ответ от Владимир[гуру]
I woke up
I killed little puppy
I ate little puppy
I went upstairs to the roof
I killed myself.
What a lovely day it was!

Ответ от Кристина соловьёва[активный]
ответьте нормально,!!!

Ответ от Марина Исламова[новичек]
i have me rityur gasuar syce

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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