why do you think

What shall i do

Автор Ўлия Гарбузова задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Английский язык. СРОЧНО!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Rosenrot[гуру]
1. Почему он думает что это может быть опасно?
2. Ты знаешь это башмаки твои арена курочка? он спросил.
3. Не злись на меня. учитель сказал мальчику.
4. Пульная попа тяжела, ты сможешь. Он сказал ей.
5. Что тяжелого в языке? она сказала.
6. Что за платформа тут живет? спросил Билл.
7. Ты библиотеку видишь? Спросила Энн.

Ответ от Nikita Nik[гуру]
1) Why do you think it may be dangerous?' he asked her
He asked her why she thought it might be dangerous.
2) 'Do you know that the shoes you are wearing aren't a pair? ' I asked him.
I asked him whether he knew that the shoes he was wearing weren't a pair.
3) “Don't argue with me”, the teacher said to the boy
The teacher told the boy to not argue with her.
4). "Pull as hard as you can," he said to her.
He said to her to pull as hard as she could
5) 'What shall I do with my heavy luggage?' she said. (Use should.)
She said what she should do with her heavy luggage.
6) 'What platform does the train leave from?' asked Bill.
Bill asked what platform the train left from.
7) 'Have you seen the library?' asked Ann
Ann asked whether you had seen the library.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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