which one is the biggest loony

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Ответ от Анечк@[новичек]
1.Which is larger : the USA or Canada?
2.What is the name of the biggest port in the USA?
3.Moscow is the largest city in Russia.
4.The London underground is the oldest in the world.
5.St. Peterburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
6.The rives in America are much bigger than those in England.
7. Russia is a very large country.

Ответ от Ђатьяна Гарманова[активный]
если это из учебника смотри тут

Ответ от М@ся[гуру]
Which is (largeR): the USA or Canada?
2. What is the name of ( THE…bigEST) port in the USA?
3. Moscow is (THE…largeEST) city in Russia.
4. The London underground is (THE…oldEST) in the world.
5. St. Peterburg is one of (…THE … beautiful) cities in the world.
6. The rives in America are much (bigER) than those in England.
7. Russia is a very (large) country.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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