valentines day стихи

Автор Нюра=)) задал вопрос в разделе Литература

подскажите пожалуйста хорошие стихи ко дню святого валентина на английском!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от NOON GIRL[гуру]
Тут 2 разных. не спутайте-они отделены.
Valentines day - by Smile
Happy Valentines Day from me to you.
So glad i sent a card to you.
You know how I feel you know what i want.
So when you're ready help me out.
Tonight I'll be the man of your dreams.
Tomorrow I'll be the man of your life.
I'll take your hand I'll take your mind.
I'll take you to a little place of mine.
I'll see you smile I'll see you cry.
But I'll never be a man who cheat or Lie's.
Making Valentines
In February, what shall I do?
I'll make some valentines for you.
The first will have a cupid's face;
The second will be trimmed with lace.
The third will have some roses pink;
The fourth will have a verse in ink.
The fifth will have a ribbon bow;
The sixth will glisten like the snow.
The seventh will have some lines I drew;
The eighth, some flowers--just a few.
The ninth will have three little birds;
The tenth will have three little words:

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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