val n tyne

Автор Лера задал вопрос в разделе Литература

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Ответ от Esperanza[гуру]
А в поисковиках набрать не пробовали? Вот, например : Chris P. Bacon (born 1977 in Provo, Utah) is a film and television composer living in Los Angeles, California. His most recent project is the animated film Space Chimps. He is credited alongside James Newton Howard on several projects including King Kong, Michael Clayton and RV. In addition he co-wrote the music for two TV films, Angels Fall and Blue Smoke, with fellow composer Stuart Michael Thomas. He recorded his score for Space Chimps in Los Angeles January 21–23, 2008. Filmography 2010 Alpha and Omega 2009 \"Love Ranch\" Midnight Bayou (TV film) Northern Lights (TV film) 2008 Space Chimps Squeegees (TV series – additional music) 2007 Michael Clayton (additional music) Blue Smoke (TV film) I Am Legend (film) (TV film) -submitted by: Daryl McGarry- Angels Fall (TV film) 2006 RV (additional music) 2005 King Kong (additional music)

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