the weather forecast текст на английском

Автор Марья Филипповна задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите пожалуйста!!Нужно перевести на английский язык и получил лучший ответ

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He said that he did not remember my phone number
He said he would not be able to stay in Moscow for more than two days.
He said that they would go to the stadium tomorrow
He said that the expense of 2:1 in favor of "Spartacus"
He said he met with them many years ago
He said that the weather forecast for tomorrow is very good
He said that it will buy a gift for Peter today if she had the time.
She told me that they had failed to implement his plan.
She told me that she received great pleasure from the performance.
She told me that they have already arrived in Moscow.
She told me that he intends to publish his new novel.
She told me that Peter had not yet bought tickets.
Можно пользоваться вообще-то

Ответ от Ўля[активный]
в яндексе можно набрать "англо-русский переводчик"и найти, а дальше сама выбирай....

Ответ от Mary[гуру]
Исправления в тексте Павла Майорова:
He said that the weather forecast for tomorrow would be very good.
He said that she would buy a gift for Peter today if she had time.
She told me that she had received great pleasure from the performance.
She told me that they had already arrived in Moscow.
She told me that he was going to publish his new novel.

Ответ от SoyDeTundra[гуру]
Ну и еще одна пометочка - они не говорят recieve pleasure, это калька с русского. для этого есть специальный глагол - to enjoy.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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