тест на времена по английскому

Автор Наталья Понкратова задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Тест на времена по английскому и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Lizzy[гуру]
1. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past1. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or
Past Progressive.

1. Jonh came yesterday at 5 o clock.2. When I entered the house, Bartley was sitting upon the banister at the landing.3. When I came to him he was sleeping soundly.4. Editha was running down the street when she heard a strange sound.5. When Mrs.Gearson looked at Editha, tears were running down her face.6. She knew so much about Europe that it was hard to believe that it was only from books, not from personal experience. 7.Her only trips were to Philadelphia.8. He visited the Robertsons last summer. 9. I was reading up for the exam the whole week.10. He looked at me as if he had never seen me before.
2.Use the verbs in brackets in the Future Simple or
Future Progressive.

1.I am going to work all September, so I will not go even for a brief rest. 2. This time tomorrow he will be taking
this exams. 3. I will be skiing tomorrow from 9 to 11. 4. He says his son will become a student soon.5. I think that we will hear him in a short while.6. In between 9 and 10 I will be watching a tennis game.7.If the weather is clear and sunny I will do some washing. 8.He does not know when she will arrive. 9. They will be sitting on
the beach the whole week while the sun lasts.10. Tomorrow at 7 o clock I will be watching my favorites TV cable program.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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