сми в нашей жизни

Автор Katerina задал вопрос в разделе Средства массовой информации

СМИ в нашей жизни. Помогите перевести тескт на англ. язык? пожалуйста, очень надо. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Instagram.com/zebra.zoo[активный]
Every morning we approach to the TV, we include the morning program. We get on news or we listen to tens different advice, on a theme what to buy, where to have a rest as this or that is better to make. Then on road from the house someone buys the newspaper. Reads about the facts interesting to it. This political position in the country, computer technologies, details from a life of stars, an exchange rate or, at last, weather forecast on the nearest days off is possible. Someone jams in a fuse and by all means does on louder radio. Any pleasant song there plays. The song comes to an end and morning release of news begins. Probably, news not so are interesting also to someone takes in hands magazine. In magazine there is more a helpful information. In it the best restaurants of city, actual colors in a new season and favourite marks of clothes of stars of Hollywood are in detail described. But someone is not interested in secular gossips and shopping, and engaged in more responsible and useful things. It takes the лэптоп and wishes to check up mail. The page «рамблера» and there again « news of day » opens. And so up to the end of day. Next day all to repeat. Where we were not and that we would not do, mass media surround us. Weights of media imperceptibly become an integral part of our life.

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