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Автор Анюта Козинская задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Виктория Дадонова[активный]
1. To put it mildly, it was impolite. 2. Your work leaves much to be desired. 3. To tell you the truth, I do not like boxing. 4. Your sister is hard to please. 5. To begin with, I\'m busy, b. It was a pleasure to watch. 7. In short, he did not pass the exam. 8. We were all happy, not to mention my mother, she said that this is the happiest day of her life. 9. Your work leaves much to be desired. 10. It\'s very strange, at least. 11. For a start, she opened all the windows. 12. With my neighbor, it is difficult to deal with. 13. In truth, I am very tired. 14. His behavior leaves much to be desired. 15. To put it mildly, you surprised me. 16. These children a pleasure to watch. 17. In short, they were married. 18. The most well-known book by Jerome - \"Three Men in a Boat dog.\" 19. You find it hard to please. 20. At least, we were surprised

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