

Автор Кирюха шайко задал вопрос в разделе Компьютеры, Связь

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Ответ от Александр[гуру]
гугл в помощь!! ! SkyTel.exe это часть программы Realtek SemiconductorWindows errors related to skytel.exe?skytel.exe is a Realtek Voice Manager from Realtek Semiconductor Corp. belonging to Realtek Voice ManagerThis is usually associated with Realtek Audio drivers. We strongly recommend that you run a free registry scan to identify .processlibrary related errors. Recommendationskytel.exe is not a critical component. It is highly recommended that you run a FREE performance scan to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet settings.Determining whether skytel.exe is a virus or a legitimate Windows process depends on the directory location it executes or runs from. Click here to scan your PC including skytel.exe to detect any security threat.

Ответ от Stavr[гуру]
SkyTel.EXE - принадлежит Realtek Voice Manager

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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