эрик сигал история любви

История любви сигал

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Ответ от Леся[гуру]
Оливер Барретт, блестящий студент Гарвардского университета и отпрыск благородной семьи, приходит в библиотеку Рэдклиффского колледжа, чтобы подготовиться к экзамену по истории. Там он случайно знакомится со студенткой Рэдклиффа Дженнифер Кавиллери. Дженни не отличается высоким происхождением и, по её собственным словам, полный «социальный ноль». Вопреки всему, Дженни и Оливер влюбляются друг в друга.
Теперь мое впечатление о книге:
Они живут счастливо, пока однажды девушка не узнала что больна оийкемией. Он считает это несправедливостьью но потом благодарит судьбу за то что у них было это прекрасное время прожитое вместе пусть даже такое короткое. Его отец узнавший о болезни девушки дает ему денег и смягчается. но конце книги она умирает. Книга написана очень оригинально. Сюжет банален но он как то особенно воздействует. В нем и пронзительнаяы боль юности. И быстротечность жизни и ощущение того чтовс прошло как прекрасный сон и пронеслось как легкий ветер весны.
А вот сюжет на английском может пригодится
The novel tells of Oliver Barrett IV, who comes from a family of wealthy and well-respected Harvard University graduates. At Radcliffe library, the Harvard student meets and falls in love with Jennifer Cavilleri, a working-class, quick-witted Radcliffe College student. Upon graduation from college, the two decide to marry against the wishes of Oliver's father, who thereupon severs ties with his son.
Without his father's financial support, the couple struggles to pay Oliver's way through Harvard Law School with Jenny working as a private school teacher. They rent the top floor of a house near the Law School at 119 Oxford Street, in the Agassiz neighborhood of Cambridge, adjacent to a local laundromat. Graduating third in his class at Harvard Law, Oliver takes a position at a respectable New York law firm.
With Oliver's new income, the pair of 24-year-olds decide to have a child. After failing, they consult a medical specialist, who after repeated tests, informs Oliver that Jenny is ill and will soon die. While this is not stated explicitly, she appears to have leukemia.
As instructed by his doctor, Oliver attempts to live a "normal life" without telling Jenny of her condition. Jenny nevertheless discovers her ailment after confronting her doctor about her recent illness. With their days together numbered, Jenny begins costly cancer therapy, and Oliver soon becomes unable to afford the multiplying hospital expenses. Desperate, he seeks financial relief from his father. When the senior Barrett asks if he needs the money because he got some girl "in trouble", Oliver says yes instead of telling his father the truth about Jenny's condition.
From her hospital bed, Jenny speaks with her father about funeral arrangements, then asks for Oliver. She tells him to avoid blaming himself, and asks him to embrace her tightly before she dies. They lie together on the hospital bed.
The novel also includes the double meaning of a love story between Oliver and his father, highlighted by the scene between Oliver and his father at the end of the book. When Mr. Barrett realizes that Jenny is ill and that his son borrowed the money for her, he immediately sets out for New York. By the time he reaches the hospital, Jenny is dead. Mr. Barrett apologizes to his son, who replies with something Jenny once told him: "Love means never having to say you're sorry."
Источник: википедия и мое мнение о сюжете.

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