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The present perfect

Автор Дейна Микетич задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

The Present Perfect Tense. Правильно? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Анатолий Шодоев[гуру]
1.I haven’t seen my friend since we graduated from university.
2.I haven’t been to the theatre since autumn
3.We haven’t met with Petrov for ages.
4.How many English books have you read since you started learning English?
5.Do you know how many schools and hospitals have been built in your home town since you left it?
6.This actor haven’t took part in spectacles since last spring. For all this time he was very ill.
7.My son learned to read books last year and he has read a lot of books for children.
8.I havn’t got letters from my parents for a long time.
9.Many new buildings have been built in Moscow since he arrived here last time.
10. It is a pity that this writer hasn’t created anythimg new since that time.
11.Why havn’t you write to us since 1974?
12.What other museums have you visited since that time?

Ответ от Maria****[новичек]
в пятом не там употребляешь. Do you know how many schools and hospitals have been built in your town since you left it?

Ответ от Expat[гуру]
в 6 описочка: не "in the spring of last year", а "since last spring"
в 8 many не нужно
в 9 не homes, а houses, и вспомогательный глагол пропущен: Many new houses have been built in Moscow since last time he came there .
10 вообще в топку, перепишите, а не через переводчик прогоняйте.
11 Why haven't you WRITTEN to us SINCE 1974?
P.S. Проверял только времена, лексику и прочее смотрел не внимательно. Наверняка там еще ошибки есть

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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