quarrelled или quarreled

Автор Bauer задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

10 предложений на английском, на тему Past Perfect (сделайте о себе) Сделайте о себе! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Анатолий Зинин[гуру]
If I had repaired my car I would have gone to vacations.
By the end of the year I had learned to cook.
I had finished the project by the beginning of that week.
Fortunately the rain had stopped before I left the house.
By the time I came home my family had already finished dinner.
They carefully studied the information I had sent.
Only when I came to work I understood that I had forgotten to feed the cat.
When the guests had gone, I began to wash the dishes.
He had never been kind to me until that day.
Our friendship had lasted for many years, when we suddenly quarreled.
As I was going to the hospital, it began to rain. Luckily, I had taken my raincoat and umbrella before I went out.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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