put in the missing letters

Автор Девичьи секреты задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Put in the missing words:close,sociable,humour,get on,hobby,card,typical,intelligent,naughty,computer. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ***[гуру]
Dear Linda
Thank you very much for your nice Christmas _CARD_.You asked me to write about my family.Our family is a _TYPICAL_Russian family:a father,a mother,two children(my little soster and me)and a cat. We are __CLOSE_family and we __GET ON_well with each other.
My mum is a Sciance teacher.She is _INTELLIGENT_.Her _HOBBY_is painting.
My dad is a _COMPUTER_programmer.He is _SOCIABLE_.He has a good sense of_HUMOUR_.My little sister Ann is funny an sometimes__NAUGHTY_.What is your family like?Have you got any brothers or sisters?Hope to hear from you soon
Your friend

Ответ от Д[гуру]
Давайте поиграем в угадайку!! ! 🙂 Dear Linda, Thank you very much for your nice Christmas CARD.You asked me to write about my family. Our family is a TYPICAL Russian family: a father, a mother, two children (my little SISTER and me), and a cat. We are A GOOD / CLOSELY KNIT family and we GET ON well (with each other). My mum is a SCIENCE teacher. She is BEAUTIFUL (????). Her HOBBY is painting. My dad is a COMPUTER programmer.He is SMART (????).He has a good sense of HUMOUR. My little sister Ann is funny an sometimes NAUGHTY (????). What is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Hope to hear from you soon! Your friend, ????

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с похожими вопросами и ответами на Ваш вопрос: Put in the missing words:close,sociable,humour,get on,hobby,card,typical,intelligent,naughty,computer.

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