проверить текст на английском на ошибки

Автор N_ задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Проверить ошибки в тексте на английском и получил лучший ответ

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Most of us do things which we enjoy doing. Such activities are called hobbies. The hobbies are activities which give us pleasure and peace of mind. My hobby is translating books. I adore reading books but many of them are not translated into Russian. so I have got an idea that I can translate these books myself. I even found a website which helps to break up the text into paragraphs which is very convenient. In my opinion, literature translation is much more complicated than simultoneous translation, because when you translate a book you, it's like write the book again. It is one of the writer's skills. the translator of fiction books is practically the formed writer. I like doing the translation. Throughout each paragraph you develop your English. This activity calms me. I turn on inconspicuous music and do translation. The book is my best and precious friend and its always with me. I devote the most of my free time to reading. After translating all day long I notice that I can understand the meaning of a word on an instinctive level and I can don't need to look the translation of the word in the dictionary so often. So this is my hobby.
P.S. Найдено несколько ошибок в порядке слов в предложении, а также были дополнены и исправлены некоторые стилистические ошибки в английском тексте, чтобы передать полноту английской грамматики и максимально отдалиться от буквализма в переводе.

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