подсолнух по английски

стих про подсолнух

Автор Oksanochka задал вопрос в разделе Животные, Растения

У кого есть стихи, загадки про подсолнух по английски?!? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ѓгол Уголок[гуру]
Вот парочка:I am black of eye and bright of hair. I go fast into the ground and follow my lord as he races around the world. What am I?Forth from the fruitful turf I spring unsown,My head gleams yellow with its shining flower;At eve I shut, at sunrise ope again;Hence the wise Greeks have given my name to me.Ну и стишок:POEM TO A SUNFLOWERI see you there in glory shining bright,Following the sun and its path of light.Standing tall above all others in the field,You grow, conquer, and do not yield.The little birds take great delightIn playing round you, from day to night.With your petals of yellow and leaves of greenHow very easily you are seen.But there is more to you than first sight,More than beauty and grander to delight.Every beautiful aspect that appears,Gives praise to the Father dear.He made you a part of creation,And you praise him in glorious celebration!The beauty that within you is expressed,Gives testimony to his greatness.Sunflower, how I long to be like you!Glorifying God in all I do.Following the Son and His path of light,To worship Him in His glory shining bright.I can learn from you, my friend,With every breath, praise to God, I might send.With all of his creation telling the story,Might I, with you, proclaim His glory.~By Katherine R. Lane (April 19, 1995)~=)

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