pen friends and emails текст

Автор MooRche задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Neriell[активный]
Modern technologies, maybe, in a root change life of any man, and I am a not exception.
At first it is needed to say about that, how it helps in studies. By the Internet it is possible to find practically any information and make a report, making, laboratory and independent works. Doing it is possible quickly and stay in a house, while it was before necessary for hours to search necessary in libraries and encyclopaedias.
To unseal and design inofrmaciyu a printer helps, so that it and economy of time, nothing needs to be written from a hand.
Secondly, it is intercourse certainly. By a telephone it is possible to speak with people being on distant distances, and to report, know et cetera.
And also by the Internet it is possible to find new acquaintances, socialize with those, who did not see a long ago, tell them about the life, and to hear about that, how they live.
It is possible to say briefly, that technologies give me the enormous economy of time, mass of necessary information and socializing with friends, that very helps in the today's rhythm of life.
За ошибки не отвечаю!

Ответ от И. К.[гуру]
Modern technologies, it is possible to tell, radically change a life of any person, and I not exception.
First it is necessary to tell about how it helps with study. By means of the Internet it is possible to find practically any information and to give the report, the composition, laboratory and independent works. To make it it is possible quickly and not leaving from the house whereas it was necessary to search long necessary in libraries and encyclopedias earlier. To unpack and issue инофрмацию the printer so and economy of time, it is necessary to write nothing it by hand helps.
Secondly, it certainly dialogue. By means of phone it is possible to talk to people being on a long distance, and to inform, learn and so on. And also by means of the Internet it is possible to find new friends, to communicate with those whom for a long time did not see, to tell it about the life, and to learn how they live.
It is possible to tell in brief, that technologies give me huge economy of time, weight of the necessary information and dialogue with friends, that very much helps with a today's rhythm of a life.

Ответ от Ирина Пир[новичек]
Modern technologies, it is possible to say, in a root change life of any man, and I not exception.
First it is necessary to say, how it helps in study. With the help of the Internet it is possible to find practically any information and to make the report, composition, laboratory and independent jobs. To make it it is possible quickly and not leaving from houses, whereas it was necessary long to search necessary in libraries and encyclopedias earlier.
To unpack(print out) and to issue инофрмацию the printer helps, so it and the economy of time, nothing is necessary to write by hand.
Secondly, it certainly dialogue. It is possible to talk to the help of the telephone with the people were on distant distances, and to inform, to learn(find out) and so on.
And also with the help of the Internet it is possible to find new familiar, to communicate with the one whom for a long time did not see to tell by him(it) about the life, and to learn(find out), how they live.
It is possible to say in brief, that the technologies give to me huge economy of time, weight of the necessary information and dialogue with the friends, that very much helps in a today's rhythm of life.

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