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Автор Кочулин Николай задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

10 предложений с Passive Voice и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Englishhobby[гуру]
I was told to go there. They were asked to stop talking. Ted was given a present. The books are lent to students. The hamsters have been fed. The rabbits have been caught. Laptops are displayed in the next showroom. He has never been beaten. She has never been asked this question before. The children are told not to play in the street.

Ответ от Ёапожникова Анастасия[активный]
it book was taken by me this cd was listened by my friend we were invited to the party they were punished for disobidient i was taken to our football team this book was written by tolstoy the children were taken to the park i w

Ответ от Дани ауф[новичек]
I was told to go there. They were asked to stop talking. Ted was given a present. The books are lent to students. The hamsters have been fed. The rabbits have been caught. Laptops are displayed in the next showroom. He has neve

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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