отзыв на фильм на английском языке

Отзыв о фильме на английском языке

Автор Карина вовчок задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Напишите пожалуйста отзыв на английском языке!!! Этот отзыв должен быть про какую-нибудь книгу или фильм. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Michael?Angel[гуру]
"Выживший", "The Revenant", 2015г с Ди Каприо
"The Revenant" marks a big turn for both star Leonardo DiCaprio and director Alejandro González Inarritu. Following up on his roles as maniacal tycoons in "Django Unchained" and "The Wolf of Wall Street", DiCaprio plays a fur trapper abandoned in the snowed-in wilderness. It's intense enough knowing that this was a true story, but how they film it makes it even more so. Like "Birdman", the movie contains several long shots filmed in a naturalistic style to create a sense of realism. Hugh Glass's determination to survive and find those who abandoned him provides one of the most harrowing stories ever put on screen. Covered in blood, sweat and dirt, DiCaprio spends much of the movie not talking, keeping the focus on his actions. And by actions, I mean that you rarely see something this intense on screen.
I'd say that the movie deserved its Golden Globe wins (but it repeatedly irritated me that the presenters kept mispronouncing Alejandro González Inarritu's name). And while accepting his award, DiCaprio spoke up for the world's indigenous peoples and called on people to protect the environment from corporate interests. Indeed we should heed his call. In the meantime, definitely see "The Revenant". It's an experience like you can't imagine.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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