они перевод на английский

Потому что перевод на английский

Автор Виталий Михальчинец задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Перевод на английский и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ѐуфина Шулахаева[новичек]
group The group is an association of people with similar interests . They often seem to dress up, listen to the same music, have the one and same habits, the same idol. This allows them to stand out from the crowd of other people, this group also differ . There are groups of criminals . Their members can trade in drugs or weapons, beat people, steal, engage in vandalism. Such groups are afraid of people and are often looking for the police, if such groups violate laws, because of what other people are suffering . On the other hand there are other groups . For example hippies who generally only communicate with each other and do not cause inconvenience to other people iligruppy skateboarders who are going just for the sake of his hobbies and not the obligation to wear the same clothes or listen to the same music . Group is bad because they are often obliged to listen to the other members of these groups and to wear clothing with symbols or colors of these groups are responsible for the actions of the group, together with its members.

Ответ от Владислава Вишератина[новичек]
Group. Group is uniting people with similar interests . They often seem to dress up, listen to the same music, have the one and same habits, the same idol. This allows them to stand out from the crowd of other people, this group also differ .There are gro

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