one morning amber

One morning amber up early

Автор Александр Яремчук задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Помогите с дом зад. по англ.яз please )) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от *[новичек]
1) In Monopoly, you move around the board buying houses and hotels.
2) Are you watching this programme or can l turn the TV off?
3) Regular exercise help you to stay healthy.
4) I use my brother's guitar until l get a new one.
5) Simon always holds the kite right. Let me show you.
6) Have you got any sweaters in a larger size?
7) Dad belongs to the local astronomy club.

Ответ от Sveta kolupaeva[гуру]
1. in monopoly, you move....
2. are you watching this programme...
3.regular ezersize helps....
4. I use my brother's guitar
5. does simon always hold the kite right?
6. do you have any sweaters
7. you are not holding the jkite right
8. dad belongs to the ...

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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