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Автор Shararam Sity задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Артур Геворкян[гуру]
The bags were on the ground but now they're on the table a monkey is sitting under.
At first Polly Zap was behind the tree, now she's behind the tent.
There was a porcupine at the tree, now there are two of them.

Ответ от Богдан Сулимин[активный]
Bags lying on the ground, but now they are on the table, under which sits a monkey
Before Polly West was behind a tree, and now for the tent.
The tree was a porcupine, and now two of them

Ответ от Lancel lancel[гуру]
the bag laying on earth. but right now they laying on table, and under sitting monkey, before popli zap was on tree, and now on tent, and with tree was a porcupine, and now two of them left,
и это я перевел без гугла)

Ответ от Miata[гуру]
Не туда.

Ответ от Дарья Александрова[новичек]
The bags were on the ground, but they are on the table now, with the monkey sitting under it. At first Polly Zip was behind the tree, she's behind the tent now. There was a porcupine near the tree. Now there are two of them. В последнем предложении целесообразно членение на два самостоятельных.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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