my pet is a cat перевод

Автор Денис ____________ задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Владимир[гуру]
At home I have only one pet. It is a cat. My cat's name is Anfisa. It is very curious. Everything it sees it finds interesting. Sometimes I play with it, and we both like it. My cat is still very young and that's why it is very active. It always runs, jumps and almost doesn't sleep.
В принципе про любимого питомца можно, и даже лучше, сказать she. Но всегда есть оч большой шанс, что школьный учитель об этом правиле не знает, поэтому в данном случае, думаю, лучше ограничиться it

Ответ от BabyLia[гуру]
I have only one pet is a cat. My cat name is Anfisa. It is very interesting it all is always interesting. I sometimes play with her, we both like it. My cat is still young so it is very active. She is constantly running around jumping and almost no sleep.

Ответ от Miss Iris[гуру]
My only house pet is a cat. It`s name Anfisa. It is rather curious and always interested in everything around! I sometimes play with Anfisa and we both enjoy it. My cat is young what brings about mega activity. Anfisa is always running and jumping and rarely sleeping.

Ответ от Красная Шапка[гуру]
My cat is only pet in my house. Про свое любимое домашнеее животное можно сказать she. It для животных в общем.

Ответ от Lady Free Sky[гуру]
I have only one pet at home, it is a cat. Her name is Anfisa. She is very curious and everything is very interesting to her. I play with her sometimes and both of us enjoy it. My cat is still very young and that is why she is very active. She always runs, jumps and she almost never sleeps.
это был художественный перевод, вот дословный - I have only one pet at home, it is a cat. Its name is Anfisa. It is very curious and everything is very interesting to it. I play with it sometimes and both of us enjoy it. My cat is still very young and that is why it is very active. It always runs, jumps and it almost never sleeps.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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