my hero сочинение на английском

My hero проект по английскому

Автор Виктория задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Не большое сочинение по Английскому "my hero" и получил лучший ответ

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My hero is Demi Lovato. She has overcome many diseases such as depression, and she is also bipolar. Both these diseases are mental issues and are extremely difficult to deal with. Still, Demi fought against them and overcame them. She is now on a successful tour with albums and some movies. She continues to inspire teenagers everyday to overcome obstacles in their lives - big or small. She stays strong and can now do whatever she feels like to make her happy, and does it always with a big heart.

Ответ от ЍлЕоНоРа кепр[новичек]
I’ve heard the word “hero” so many times. It was mainly used towards people who commit various heroic actions. For example, a policeman who rescues ordinary people from criminals is called a hero; a veteran who participated in war events is called a hero. As for me, the notion of a hero is a bit different. Of course, I agree that all people who are noticed in heroism are heroes and deserve respect.

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