my friend likes doing для 2 класса

Глава 5 my friend likes doing

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Ответ от МК[гуру]
1. My friend likes playing chess. He spends a lot of time on it. Yesterday he played chess until six in the envening and only got home at ten. 2. We spent Sunday in the country. We went there early in the morning and got back to town late in the evening. 3. We decided to ask our friends to dinner tomorrow. After dinner we're going to Central Park. 4. My friend lives in the country and he likes it very much. He goes to town every morning. He is always in/on time for work. 6. I din't want to go to the cinema tonight. My wife and I are going for a walk. 7. Does your friend play chess well? I am going to have a game of chess with him. 8. When did the meeting finish? - It finished at four. 9. I got home late yesterday evening and went to bed at once. 10. Peter spends a lot of money on books. I often ask him for books to read.

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