как по английски блокада

Автор Гимранова Елена задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Ребенку по английскому (1-ый год обучения) задали описать блокаду Ленинграда с переводом. ПОМОГИТЕ найти??? Спасибо!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Астахова Виктория[гуру]
This was undoubtedly the most tragic period in the history of the city, a period full of suffering and heroism. For everyone who lives in St. Petersburg the Blokada (the Siege) of Leningrad is an important part of the city's heritage and a painful memory for the population's older generations.
Less than two and a half months after the Soviet Union was attacked by Nazi Germany, German troops were already approaching Leningrad. The Red Army was outflanked and on September 8 1941 the Germans had fully encircled Leningrad and the siege began. The siege lasted for a total of 900 days, from September 8 1941 until January 27 1944. The city's almost 3 million civilians (including about 400,000 children) refused to surrender and endured rapidly increasing hardships in the encircled city. Food and fuel stocks were limited to a mere 1-2 month supply, public transport was not operational and by the winter of 1941-42 there was no heating, no water supply, almost no electricity and very little food. In January 1942 in the depths of an unusually cold winter, the city's food rations reached an all time low of only 125 grams (about 1/4 of a pound) of bread per person per day. In just two months, January and February of 1942, 200,000 people died in Leningrad of cold and starvation. Despite these tragic losses and the inhuman conditions the city's war industries still continued to work and the city did not surrender. Several hundred thousand people were evacuated from the city across Lake Ladoga via the famous "Road of Life" ("Doroga Zhizni") - the only route that connected the besieged city with the mainland. During the warm season people were ferried to the mainland, and in winter - carried by trucks that drove across the frozen lake under constant enemy bombardment.
Meanwhile, the city lived on. The treasures of the Hermitage and the suburban palaces of Petrodvorets and Pushkin were hidden in the basements of the Hermitage and St Isaac's Cathedral. Many of the city's students continued their studies and even passed their finals exams. Dmitry Shostakovich wrote his Seventh "Leningrad" Symphony and it was performed in the besieged city.
In January 1943 the Siege was broken and a year later, on January 27 1944 it was fully lifted. At least 641,000 people had died in Leningrad during the Siege (some estimates put this figure closer to 800,000). Most of them were buried in mass graves in different cemeteries, with the majority in the Piskariovskoye Memorial Cemetery, resting place to over 500,000 people and a timeless reminder of the heroic deeds of the city.
Сложноватый текст для ребенка 1-го года обучения. Пусть попробует кое-что перевести самостоятельно, если нет, попробуйте использовать Translate.ru или напишите мне письмо на почту. я переведу.

Ответ от худею...[гуру]
скачай переводчик диктор-dikter, напишите текс в ворде, выделите его, и нажмите на переводчика, затем выберите язык -англ. и переведите, потом скопируйте, вот и все))) )
а это перевод того кто написал текст выше, кстати, с диктора
Блокада Ленинграда - военная блокада немецкого, финского [2] и испанском языках (Голубая дивизия) войсками во время Великой Отечественной войны Ленинград (ныне Санкт-Петербург) . Продолжалось с 8 сентября 1941 по 27 января 1944 (кольцо осады была разбита по 18 января 1943) - 872 дней. К началу блокады в городе были только недостаточны в плане поставок продовольствия и топлива. Единственным средством связи с осажденного Ленинграда оставалось Ладожское озеро, расположенное в пределах досягаемости артиллерии осаждающих. Мощность этой транспортной артерии не имеет отношения к потребностям города. Начинается голод, усугубляются проблемы с отоплением и транспорт, привело к сотням тысяч смертей среди жителей

Ответ от Ёофья Шляхтич[новичек]
Siege of Leningrad - a military blockade of the German, Finnish [2] and Spanish (Blue Division) troops during the Great Patriotic War Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 (the siege ring was broken on Jan. 18, 1943) - 872 days.
By the beginning of the blockade in the city had only inadequate in terms of food supplies and fuel. The only means of communication with the besieged Leningrad remained Ladoga Lake, located within reach of the artillery of the besiegers. The capacity of this transport artery was irrelevant to the needs of the city. Begins in hunger, aggravated by problems with heating and transport, has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths among residents.

Ответ от Вадим Костерев[новичек]
зайди на transfer.ru - хороший переводчик

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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