it is the first time

Автор Алишер айматов задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от JGH[гуру]
хоспдя! зачем я зашла в этот вопрос? О-о

Ответ от Tekila Ristlli[активный]
The history of the aeroplane is quite a short one. For many centuries men
had tried to fly, but with little success. In the 19th century a few people succeeded in flying in balloons. But it wasn't until the beginning of the next century that anybody was able to fly in a machine which was heavier than air, in other words, in what we now call a "plane". The first people to achieve
"powered flight" were the Wright brothers. Theirs was the machine which was the forerunner of the jumbo jets that are such a common sight today
They could hardly have imagined that in 1969 not much more than half a century later, a man would be walking on the moon. Already a man is taking the first steps towards the stars. Space satellites have now existed around
half a century and we are dependent on them for all kinds of information .Not only are they being used for scientific research in space, but also to see what kind of weather comes;
By 1998 there will have been satellites in space for fifty years and the "space superpowers" will be making massive space stations built. When these will will have been completed it will be the first time that astronauts will be able to work in space in large numbers

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