if i had a chicken

Автор Elena Trufanova задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Ned Kelly's little sister[гуру]
If I had a million dollars I would go traveling.
If I had a million dollars I would spend it all on charity.
If I had a million dollars I would buy a car.
If I had a million dollars I would open a business.
If I had a million dollars I would buy presents for all my relatives and friends.

Ответ от •Brutal_Baby•[активный]
1 I would go to travel
2I would spend on благотворительнось
3 I would buy the car
4 I would open the business
5 I has given all close and native gifts

Ответ от Lonniy[гуру]
If I HAD (won) a million $ I WOULD go traveling.
If I HAD (won) a million $ I WOULD give all this money to a charity.
If I HAD (won) a million $ I WOULD buy a car.
If I HAD (won) a million $ I WOULD start my own business.
If I HAD (won) a million $ I WOULD buy gifts (presents) for all my relatives and friends.

Ответ от Princess Dashy[активный]
1. I would go to travel
2. I would spent on charity (philanthropy)
3. I would bought a car
4. I would open business
5. I would given presents to my close friends and relatives

Ответ от Maxi Carrot[активный]
I would have left for discovering the world (for travelling)
I would have spent money for an act of charity
I would have bought a car
I would have started running my own business
I would have bought gifts for my relatives

Ответ от Olga Orelskaia[новичек]
правильные ответы дал "lonniy" :))

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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