i am interested in

Автор Аня **************** задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

И снова английский. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬ[гуру]
)I am interested .in..learning about other cultures. 2)The streets were crowded ..of.people. 3)I know a few people who believe .in..superstitions. 4)My sister is afraid ..of.spiders. 5)We can not wait .of..Christmas to come. 1)What a nice party! d 2)Good luck! a 3)That is very bad luck! б 4)I lost my keys on Friday the 13th. с 5)We lost the match. e

Ответ от Wanderer[гуру]
#1 1. in 2. with 3. in 4. of 5. for #2 1-d 2-a 3-c 4-e 5-b

Ответ от Expat[гуру]
1)I am interested IN learning about other cultures. 2)The streets were crowded WITH people. 3)I know a few people who believe IN (?) superstitions. странное какое-то выражение 4)My sister is afraid OF spiders. 5)We can not wait FOR Christm

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