how many rooms have you got

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Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
How many books have you got? - I have got 3 (three books.
How many pens have they got? - They have got 10 (ten) pens.
How many rings has she got? - She has got 2 (two) rings.
How many rooms have we got? - We have got 4 (four) rooms.
How many lamps has he got? - He has got 2 (two) lamps.
How many plates has Ann got? - Ann has got 12 (twelve) plates.

Ответ от Аксинья[гуру]
Как я понимаю, колонки сместились ((
Ну, примерно:
How many books/pens/rings/rooms/lamps/plates have you/they/we got?
How many books/pens/rings/rooms/lamps/plates has Ann/he/she got?
А ответы.. .
We have [got] 4 rooms. (There are 4 rooms in our flat=)
Anns has 10 books.
И т. д.

Ответ от Artem Proshak[гуру]
how many pens you got?- I have two pens....howmany rooms they have? -they have five many rings she got?-she got one many lamps he got? he got four many plates w have?-we have twenty plates....

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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