he asked me if

Do you go to university

Автор Ўляшка* задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Английский 6 класс.Нужно перевести в косвенную речь! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
Do you go to university? - She asked me if I went to university.
Are there any waterfalls in Canada? - He wondered if there were some waterfalls in Canada.
Do you like hedges in England? - They asked me if I liked hedges in England.
Have you got any meadows in the place where you live? - She wanted to know if I had got some meadows in the place where I lived.
Are the fields as flat in your country as they are in East Anglia? - He wondered if the fields were as flat in my country as they were in East Anglia.
When are you going home? - She asked him when he was going home.
Why don`t you stay in East Anglia a bit longer? - She wondered why I didn't stay in East Anglia a bit longer.
What countries have you been to? - He asked me what countries I had been to.
Will you come back to England some day? - She was interested if I would come back to England some day.

PS Я ввела вам косвенную речь глаголом в прошедшем времени - это труднее чем случаи, когда КР вводится глаголом в настоящем времени.

Ответ от Al TO[гуру]
Вы идете в университет?
Есть ли какие-водопад в Канаде?
Нравится ли вам изгородей в Англии?
У вас есть луга в том месте, где вы живете?
Есть области, как квартира в вашей стране, как в Восточной Англии?
Когда вы собираетесь домой?
Почему Don `T Вы останавливаетесь в Восточной Англии немного дольше?
Какие страны вы были?
Будете ли вы вернуться в Англию, когда-нибудь?

Ответ от Илья Заумный[новичек]
Вы не написали в каком лице и числе нужно изобразить косвенную речь, поэтому я написал свое.
He asked me, if i went to the university?
She asked them, if there were any waterfalls in Canad?
My friend asked me if I liked hedges in England?
He asked me if i had got any meadows in the place where i lived?
She asked me, if the аields were as flat in my country as they were in East anglia?
My girlfriend asked me, when i was going home?
My mother asked me, why i didnt stay in East Anglia a bit longer?
She asked me, whatcountries i had been to?
He asked me, if i would come back to England some day?

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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