have you heard that fashion hurts wearing

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Нужна помощь по английскому!Слова в скобках нужно употребить в нужной форме! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от New york city hamster[гуру]
1.Have you heard of penicillin?It is a type of medicine that kills bacteria.Bacteria can cause infections.
2.Before antibiotics had been discovered, infections were a very serious problem.
3.Many people died in the past because of them.
4.A doctor from Scotland, Fleming studied medicine at St. Mary Hospital.
5.During the First World War, he worked in a hospital in France, helping the soldiers who had been hurt.
6.After the war, he made an important discovery.
7.At the time, however, other doctors did not understand how important Fleming's discovery was.
8.It took several years for scientists to realise that Fleming had found a way to save millions of lives

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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