happy and bright детский сад

Автор Ёамсонова Надя задал вопрос в разделе Торжество, Праздник

Переведите пожалуйста поздравление на английский? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Бла бла бла[активный]
I congratulate with coming new year and Christmas! I wish happiness, good luck, strong health, family and financial well-being! I wish, that your picture gallery was even more increased by pictures of the happy and bright moments of your life!Yours faithfully...

Ответ от Оксанка[гуру]
I congratulate on coming new year and Christmas! I wish good luck, success, a sound health, family and financial well-being! I wish, that your picture gallery was even more increased by pictures of the happy and bright moments of your life! Yours fai

Ответ от Ђатьяна Капарулина[активный]
I congratulate on coming new year and Christmas! I wish good luck, success, a sound health, family and financial well-being! I wish, that your picture gallery was even more increased by pictures of the happy and bright moments of your life!Yours f

Ответ от Пользователь удален[новичек]
он-лайн переводчик....и преводи все что тебе нужно) )

Ответ от NNNNN[гуру]
I congratulate on coming new year and Christmas! I wish good luck, success, a sound health, family and financial well-being! I wish, that your picture gallery was even more increased by pictures of the happy and bright moments of your life! Yours faithful

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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