фул ап что это

Usb high speed

Автор Капризулина задал вопрос в разделе Компьютеры, Связь

USB 2.0 Full Speed что это такое? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Angel[новичек]
USB 2.0 with its 480 Mbps theoritical bandwidth has become ubiquitous in PCs of all sizes and shapes. However, unwary consumers may not be getting the high-bandwidth devices they believe they are when buying USB 2.0 peripherals. AP has a write-up on an issue that many had hoped would have died months ago when the problem was first uncovered.
While a growing number of devices feature USB 2.0, some actually transfer data at the slower speed of its predecessors. Also, there's a significant difference between "full-speed" and "hi-speed" USB 2.0. An industry group behind the USB standard is partly to blame for the muddled jargon, though it is trying to clear up confusion by issuing official logos and labeling guidelines for manufacturers. These are only guidelines, however. Ultimately, the labeling and any fine print that either informs or misleads the public is still up to individual companies.
Oftentimes, marketing gets out ahead of the technology, or at least obscures the technical issues. In the case of the USB 2.0 standard, only Hi-Speed USB 2.0 devices run at 480 Mbps. USB 2.0 Full-Speed/USB Full Speed devices are actually 12 Mbps USB 1.1 products. So caveat emptor! When you see the familiar USB 2.0 logo and packaging that trumpets "OMG SUPER EXTREME ULTRA FAST USB 2.0 SPEEDS!", read the specifications to ensure that it is the real deal. Are manufacturers shooting themselves in the foot by overusing the USB 2.0 label? Maybe. At the very least, it requires consumers to spend a bit more time reading labels. Face it: it's not easy being a discerning geek when standards aren't all that standard and marketing runs amok.

Ответ от Alex Matveev[гуру]
это лучше чем юсб 1.1. Это нужная вещь. 🙂

Ответ от ???????? ??????[гуру]
это дырка в компе такая порт универсальный для всего от телефонов до камер и плееров вот у мя модем допустим там торчит а фул спид потому что 1.1 был медленнее! !!:))

Ответ от Roman[мастер]
для принтера, цифровика и ядля всякой приблуды

Ответ от Александр Чехович[новичек]
В нашем мире есть такие вещи как USB HI Speed и USB Full Speed.Вобщем в начале были диназаврыпотом появились Full SpeedПотом High SpeedИ только потом уже вопросы.. .Оставте всё как есть в Bios'е, он в этом разбирается)))

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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