fruits on a table

Автор Вова Дошин задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Enchanted Robert[гуру]
How do these strange fruits name? This is not fruits but vegetables. Mama often puts dried fruits in a pie.
On this tree is it always many fruits? On this island it's growing various citrus fruits. Come in the shop and buy vegetables and fruits. I like when on the table it's different fruits. Do you need fruits to cook a cake? My little brother likes fruits very much, especially bananas. We grow in the garden many different fruits. Never in the life I saw such fruits.

Ответ от Ћыыыы Ыыыыы[гуру]
How this strange fruit is called? It not fruit, and vegetables. Mum often puts dried fruit in a pie. On this tree always it is a lot of fruit? On this island various citron fruit grows. Go to shop and buy vegetables and fruit. I love, when on a table different fruit. Fruit is necessary to you to prepare a pie? My brother very much loves fruit, especially bananas. We grow up in a garden many different fruit. I never in a life saw such fruit.

Ответ от SKYDIVER[гуру]
How this strange fruit is called? It not fruit, and vegetables. Mum often puts dried fruit in a pie. On this tree always it is a lot of fruit? On this island various citron fruit grows. Go to shop and buy vegetables and fruit. I love, when on a table different fruit. Fruit is necessary to you to prepare a pie? My brother very much loves fruit, especially bananas. We grow up in a garden many different fruit. I never in life saw such fruit.
Учи английский, двоечник - он легче русского

Ответ от Анечка Вершинина[новичек]
Василий корнеев, сами учите-ка!
то что вы написали это чушь!

Ответ от JOFUG_s[гуру]
два первых ответа отстой полный! люди вы сами хоть читали что перевели? ошибок куча просто !
4 ответ тоже самое

Ответ от Little_Bubble[новичек]
переводить с переводчиком абсолютно нет смысла. я думаю даже двоечник лучше переведет чем переводчик
How do these strange fruits called? It is not fruits but vegetables. My mother often puts dry fruits in a pie.
are there always a lot of fruits On this tree? there are various citrus fruits growing On this island. go to the shop and buy vegetables and fruits. I like when there are a lot various fruits on the table . Do you need fruits to cook a cake? My little brother likes fruits very much, especially bananas. We are growing in the garden various fruits. i have never seen fruits like these.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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