for and against keeping pets

Advantages and disadvantages of having a pet

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Ответ от ~Nelly~[гуру]
сначала опиши эту тему на русском, потом переведи и откорректируй.

Ответ от Masya ivanova[гуру]
Тема-то лёгкая, чего филонишь?)) Или лень?))

Ответ от Pavel kim[эксперт]
в поисковике пищи тут етих сочинений 100000000000000000

Ответ от Катерина[гуру]
В поисковике найти можно.

Ответ от Michael Lasson[гуру]
On the one hand, it's nice to have a pet at home. When you have a pet, you have a real friend. You can take a care of him (her), feed, play, and teach him (her) different tricks. It's always funny to watch your pet, animals are full of wonders. When you have a pet at home, you try to read more about this kind of animals. And you should always take your pet for a walk, it's especially good for your health.
On the other hand, it's not safe to keep a pet at home, because somebody in your family may have an allergy. Besides, you should always remember that any animal is just an animal, and it can become dangerous at any time. You shouldn't forget to feed your pet with a special kind of food (even though you are ill or don't have any money to buy food for yourself). If your pet is a dog, you have to take him (her) for a walk in any weather (don't forget about it)! Additionally, you should take a good care of your pet: comb it, wash it, when necessary, treat it in illness, and always speak with him (her) even though you're not in the mood. When you decide to take any animal into your home, you should always remember that it's not a toy, and your pet will be with you till the end of his (her) life. It's a great responsibility to have a pet at home!
These are some advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets at home.

Ответ от Василисса Орлова[гуру]
если ещё нужно постучи мне на мыло или в агент что нить сообразим))

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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