доставка по английски

Автор Ўлия Синицына задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Как по-английски будет... и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Alex Starov[гуру]
О чем речь идет? "препарат" это медикаменты, косметика? Если медикамент 1. Are there any known side effects for this medication? 2. What is the expiration date? 3. The delivery option offered is expensive. I would like my package to be sent by economy mail. 4. What would be the least expensive delivery option to Russia? My address is ...

Ответ от Ѐоман Комяков[мастер]
1 . What contraindications to application for this preparation?
2 . When expires an expiration date?
3 . This type of delivery expensive. I ask you to send me a parcel in cheaper way.
4 . Delivery to Russia the cheapest type of a mailing will cost how many? Delivery address: st.

Ответ от Дивергент[гуру]
Садись, два...

Ответ от Александр[гуру]
так и будет

Ответ от Miniwood[гуру]
1. What are the contraindications for the usage of this drug ?
2.What is the expiration date ?
3.This delivery option is quite expensive . Could you please mail a package to me so it costs less?
4. How much would the least expensive mailing to Russia cost? The address is :

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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