do not open перевод

Do not open перевод на русский

Автор Luiza Luiza задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

все 10 внутри!)) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Пользователь удален[активный]
1.Whoever it was not, say him, that I am busy.
2. Whatever they said, disbelieve them.
3. As you did not come lately, call me.
4. Wherever you went, I would go with you.
5. When you did not ask about a help, I will help.
6. Wherever he was, we would find him.
7. Not touch it, what it was not.
8. Wherever you came, not forget to greet.
9. Whoever knocked, not open a door.
10. When I did not call, he was not always present at home.

Ответ от Anahit akunts[активный]
1. Whoever it was, tell to it that I am occupied.
2. What they have told, do not trust them.
3. As though late you have not come, call me.
4. Where you have gone, I will go with you.
5. When you have asked about the help, I will help.
6. Where it was, we will find it.
7. Do not touch it, than it was.
8. Where you have come, do not forget to greet.
9. Whoever has knocked, do not open a door.
10. When I have called, it always is not present the house.

Ответ от [POTOTYPE] *******[эксперт]
1. Whoever it was, tell to it that I am occupied.
2. What they have told, do not trust them.
3. As though late you have not come, call me.
4. Where you have gone, I will go with you.
5. When you have asked about the help, I will help.
6. Where it was, we will find it.
7. Do not touch it, than it was.
8. Where you have come, do not forget to greet.
9. Whoever has knocked, do not open a door.
10. When I have called, it always is not present the house.
Если не веришь, переведи на русский)

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