дневник перевод на английский

Дневник по английски

Автор Lola задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

как по английски будет дневник? не личный, а школьный, с оценками. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Expat[гуру]
Видимо, единой формы школьного дневника не существует даже в отдельно взятой Великобритании (а ведь есть еще и Штаты, и Австралия) .
На форуме предлагаются следующие варианты (в зависимости от формы контроля за успеваемостью) :
Progress Report/Journal
report card
students' record book
progress book

Ответ от Juljan Wolf[активный]
что-нибудь из этого.. .
3-day book

Ответ от Catherine[гуру]
diary, school record book, datebook, daybook

Ответ от Nadya F[гуру]

Ответ от Nelly[гуру]
В Англии другая система взаимоотношений учитель-ученик-родители, там нет привычных и обязательных в России дневников. Поэтому нет и точного слова.
Есть дневник для личных заисей - diary, ежедневник - datebook, записная книжка - record book, бухжурнал - daybook.
Наиболее подходящим будет, наверное, описательный перевод - pupil's record book / student's record book / Daily (or "Weekly") Progress Report/Journal / report card.
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As I am a non-native teacher of English, there are always lexical issues which prove to be a cul-de-sac for me. The last one concerns 'a school'student's record book'. I teach Russian students and they referring to the concept write about 'a diary' translating the russian concept verbatim. I realized that not having gone myself through an English educational system, I have no idead what to call such a booklet into which your (=pupil's) marks are recorded. To make the local concept clearer, let me say that I am referring here to a booklet where the teacher records the pupil's grades or keeps correspondence with their parents, then the pupil takes it home, where the parents are supposed to confirm with their signatures that they have seen it. ??
In the U.S. at grade 12 and below, parents are provided with information as to their children's accomplishment or lack thereof. The traditional term is "report card."
To assume that these are "booklets" is a cultural misapprehension.
Students' records are something else. These are held by the school administration and might be in many forms, including computerized.
In English schools for the past decade or so, schoolchildren have been provided with a "progress books", which are supposed to accompany them through their school lives. Of course, children frequently lose things, so the books have to be replaced and are thus not always complete. In principle, though, these are the children's record books and are even supposed to be kept into adult life, to show to prospective employers.
It depends on the region. We don't have any such books here in Australia, as far as I know. From some reading I have been doing recently, I came across this concept in French schools but we have no equivalent.
Англия, учитель:
After 30+ years teaching in the UK I can confirm that there is no standard name for such books; indeed, not all pupils have them. As Kevin says, some students have "progress books", but this is by no means a universal term. I think "students' record books" is the best translation
Actually, when I was at school in Australia (over 30 years ago), we used to have a "homework record book" in which we noted our homework, and in which the teacher would write a remark about our progress every Friday which our parents had to sign. It was different, however, to the end of term report card.
This topic may be better suited for the cultural section. However I remember when we had those, too. They called them "progress reports" or "weekly reports". As you said it was a binder/folder/notebook where the student-parent-teacher were supposed to communicate with each other: i.e. the student was supposed to write homework or important items due in each class. The teacher was to mark good/bad behavors the student did in class that date. The parent was to sign and date it each week.
It definitely depends on the school. I'm sure you could get away with something something similar to "Daily (or "Weekly") Progress Report/Journal". To me, it sounds like your mixing their journal assignments with their progress report
Interesting. We didn't have them at any the schools I went too from the late 70s to the late 80s (all state schools), and I haven't heard them mentioned at any time since so have assumed that they are still not a standard thing. Perhaps it's in some schools and not others.

Ответ от Оля Блиндерова[новичек]

Ответ от Надежда Ховрева[новичек]

Ответ от Marina gudz[новичек]

Ответ от Анастасия Денисюк[новичек]
Mark book

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