dialogue of cultures 3 ответы

Автор Ѐоза Панова задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Ира[гуру]
1)Article is devoted the comparative analysis of a level of development of written speech of pupils of 3 classes of School of dialogue of cultures and traditional school. Indicators used in written texts younger schoolboys of language means are given. The leksiko-morphological structure of a discourse and syntactic designs of texts from the point of view of their kategorialno-differentiated designation is analyzed.2)Keywords: School of dialogue of cultures, written speech of younger schoolboys, leksiko-morphological structure of a discourse, syntactic structure of written speech.3)The senior teacher of chair of Russian of philological faculty 4) a home address

Ответ от ЀУБИН[гуру]
1)Статья is dedicated to comparative analysis(test) level developments written speech учащихся 3-their classes of the School of the dialogue of the cultures and traditional school. They Are Given factors used in(to;at) written text younger(low-order;junior) schoolboy language facilities(tools). It Is Analysed lexical-morphological composition(compound) дискурса and syntax designs(constructions) text with(since) standpoint their categorial-differentiated by oboznacheniya.2) Of the Keywords: School of the dialogue of the cultures, written speech younger(low-order;junior) schoolboy, lexical-morphological composition(compound) дискурса, syntax structure written rechi.3) senior teacher pulpits of the russian language(tongue;parlance) philologist%Will Added 52 minutes nazad3) senior teacher pulpits of the russian language(tongue;parlance) of the philological faculty4) home address

Ответ от Ксюшка швец[активный]
) Clause is devoted to the comparative analysis of a level of development of written speech of 3-their learning classes of School of dialogue of cultures and traditional school. The parameters used in the written texts by the younger schoolboys of language means are given. The лексико-morphological structure дискурса and syntactic designs of the texts is analyzed from the point of view of them категориально-дифференцированного of a designation. 2) Key words: school of dialogue of cultures, written speech of the younger schoolboys, лексико-morphological structure дискурса, syntactic structure of written speech.3) Senior teacher of faculty of Russian the philologist of %

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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