dad usually comes up with original ideas

Dad usually comes up with original

Автор Олечка Мазуренко задал вопрос в разделе Школы

Английский 9 класс и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Helena S-va[гуру]
Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad _________DECIDED_________ that we should all go on a camping trip. The idea came to him while he _________WAS READING_________ an article about camping. The article said that camping brings families together.
“Not true”, I smiled. “What about television? It usually _________HELPS_________ families to feel a lot more united.”
“If the weather is fine, we _______WILL GO_________ on a trip next weekend,” Dad said and put his magazine on the coffee table.
I quickly looked over at my _________YOUNGER____ brother, Paul. He gave me a knowing smile, “Do you remember _____OUR_________ last trip?” I certainly did. Last summer Dad told us that fishing would be a great family activity. We bought four expensive fishing rods and drove for three long hours to a big lake in Virginia. When we got there, we discovered that we ____HAD FORGOTTEN___ to take the fishing rods. Ten minutes later we made another unpleasant discovery: we _________DID NOT HAVE_________ the tent which meant we couldn’t stay overnight and we had to drive all the way back home again. We ______WERE_________ tired and disappointed with the trip.
If someone asks what your nationality is, how do you answer? For British people _________NATIONAL_______ identity is a complex issue. Take me for example. I carry a passport issued by the British _________GOVERNMENT_____. I was born in England, but my Mum is Scottish and my Granny is from Northern Ireland. So what am I? _________ACTUALLY_______, I am really all of them: English, Irish, Scottish and British. Each of the “nations” has a lot in common but they also have their own unique culture and _________TRADITIONAL_______ lifestyle. They ______DISLIKE_________ it when people call them English. And perhaps the most important _________DIFFERENCE________ of all – each nation has its own football team!
Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the ____MOST INTERESTING_________ place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my _____FIRST_________ visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often _____WENT_________ to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of ______OUR________ trip the weather was fine. There ________WAS_______ a cool wind blowing, the sun was bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge _____HAS BECOME_________ more crowded than it was. As a result, now people _________ARE ALLOWED_________ to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I _________HAD_________ an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists _________WILL SOLVE_________ it in the near future.
The Turners were not used to snow. The most they ever got in Birmingham was an inch or so each winter. Even that happened quite _________RARELY_________. The _________FUNNY________ thing was that a tiny bit of snow was enough to cancel school and even to close some businesses. One night, in March of 1993, something very _________EXCITING____ happened. Very cold air from Canada created the "Storm of the Century". When the Turner kids woke up on Saturday morning, there were 17 inches of ________WONDERFUL____ snow as far as the eye could see. The Turners were in shock. They had no idea what to do. Though Mr. Turner was an experienced _________DRIVER_______ he chose to leave his car in the garage. He wanted the whole family to stay at home but it was natural for the kids to _____DISAGREE_________ with him. They put on the warmest clothes they had and ran outside to enjoy the snow.

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