bollock перевод

Автор Виктория задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Как может переводиться "sodbollocks" ? без всякого контекста, написано правильно и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Tmin[гуру]
Чушь собачья это очень мягко, скорее "бл*дская ху*ня".
Если перевести дословно, то это "обсосанные пидором яйца". "Чушь собачья" явно не тянет 🙂

Ответ от Валентина К[гуру]
Грубое ругательствоРазделите на два слова sod / bollocks и переведите хотя бы

Ответ от Ellen[гуру]
Перевести можно примерно так: "Чушь собачья! "

Ответ от Людмила К(В.)[гуру]
British слэнг, ругательство. Определённого перевода не имеет, каждый вкладывает в него свой смысл.Bollocks - This is a great English word with many excellent uses. Technically speaking it means testicles but is typically used to describe something that is no good (that's bollocks) or that someone is talking rubbish (he's talking bollocks). Surprisingly it is also used in a positive manner to describe something that is the best, in which case you would describe it as being "the dog's bollocks". Englishmen who live in America take great delight in ordering specialised registration plates for their cars using the letters B.O.L.L.O.X. Good eh? Sod - This word has many uses. My father always used to say "Oh Sod!" or "Sod it!" if something went wrong and he didn't want to swear too badly in front of the children. If someone is a sod or an "old sod" then it means they are a bit of a bastard or an old git. "Sod off" is like saying "piss off" or "get lost" & "sod you" means something like "f*** off". It also means a chunk of lawn of course. You can usually tell the difference! Sod all - If you are a waiter in America and you serve a family of Brits, the tip is likely to be sod all or as you would call it - nothing. Because we don't know about tipping. Sod's law - This is another name for Murphy's law - whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Ответ от Ёергей Петров[гуру]
Sodding bollocks -- чушь собачья!

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