бабур стихи

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shto vi znayete pro BABUR SHAXE. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Leeml[гуру]
Захир-ад-дин Мухаммед Бабур (14 февраля 1483 — 26 декабря 1530) — узбекский и индийский правитель, полководец, основатель государства Великих Моголов (1526) в Индии. Известен также как поэт и писатель. Бабур - прозвище, означающие "Тигр", считается что он получил его за отвагу в битвах. Бабур является прямым потомком Амира Темура (Темурлана). Отец Бабура - Умаршайх Мирзо, его отец – Абдусаид Мирзо – Султан Махаммад Мирзо – Мироншох – Амир Темур. Его мать Кутлуг Нигорханум была дочерью Ташкентского правителя Юнусхана.
Происходил из рода Тимуридов. В возрасте около 12 лет унаследовал от отца престол Ферганы. Его отец Умаршайх погиб 9-июня 1494 года в возрасте 39 лет. Бабур в течение многих лет вёл междоусобную борьбу с другими феодалами.
В 1500—1505 был вытеснен золотоордынским ханом Шейбани в Афганистан, где основал новое государство со столицей в Кабуле. Оттуда в 1526 предпринял завоевание Индии, куда перенёс центр вновь образованной Империи Великих Моголов.
До 1512 пытался безуспешно вернуть Бухару и Самарканд. Из Кабула Бабур совершал с 1519 походы в Северо-Западную Индию и в 1525 предпринял поход на Дели. В битвах с делийским правителем Ибрахимом Лоди при Панипате в апреле 1526 и с раджпутским князем Санграм Сингхом при Кхануа (близ Сикри) в 1527 Бабур одержал победы. К 1529 владения Бабура включали Восточный Афганистан, Пенджаб и долину Ганга, до границ Бенгалии.
Бабур переписывался с Алишером Навои. Стихи Бабура, написанные на староузбекском языке (чагатайском наречии) , близком к разговорному, отличаются чеканностью образов и афористичностью. Главный труд Бабура — автобиография «Бабур-наме» , первый образец этого жанра в узбекской литературе, излагает события с 1493 по 1529, живо воссоздаёт детали быта знати, нравы и обычаи эпохи. Умер Бабур 26 декабря 1530 года в Агре от дизентерии.
Источник: википедия

Ответ от Пользователь удален[активный]
znau shto ti znayesh angliyskiy, tak shto 4itay.
Zāhir ud-Dīn Mohammad was born on February 14, 1483[5] in the town of Andijan, in the Fergana Valley which is in modern Uzbekistan. He was the eldest son of Omar Šeyḫ Mirza,[6] ruler of the Fergana Valley, who he described as "short and stout, round-bearded and fleshy faced,"[citation needed] and his wife Qutluq Negār Ḫānum, daughter of Yonus Ḫān. Although Babur hailed from the Barlas tribe which was of Mongol origin, his tribe had embraced Turkic[7] and Persian culture,[3][8][9] converted to Islam and resided in Turkestan and Khorasan. His mother tongue was the Chaghatai language (known to Babur as Turkī, "Turkish") and he was equally at home in Persian, the lingua franca of the Timurid elite;[10] he wrote his famous memoirs, the Bāburnāma, in the former language, that of his birthplace, though his prose was highly Persianized in its sentence structure, morphology, and vocabulary.[11]
“ Andijanis are all Turks; everyone in town or bazar knows Turki. The speech of the people resembles the literary language; hence the writings of Mir 'Ali-sher Nawa'i, though he was bred and grew up in Hin (Herat), are one with their dialect. Good looks are common amongst them. The famous musician, Khwaja Yusuf, was an Andijani.[12] ”
Hence Babur, though nominally a Mongol (or Moghul in Persian), drew much of his support from the Turkic and Iranian peoples of Central Asia, and his army was diverse in its ethnic makeup, including Persians (Tajiks or Sarts, as they were called by Babur),[12] Pashtuns, and Arabs as well as Barlas and Chaghatayid Turco-Mongols from Central Asia.[13] Babur's army also included Qizilbāš fighters, a militant religious order of Shi'a Sufis from Persia who later became one of the most influential groups in the Mughal court.
Babur is said to have been extremely strong and physically fit. He could allegedly carry two men, one on each of his shoulders, and then climb slopes on the run, just for exercise. Legend holds that Babur swam across every major river he encountered, including twice across the Ganges River in North India.[14]
His passions could be equally strong. In his first marriage he was "bashful" towards ʿĀʾiša Sultān Begum, later losing his affection for her. His autobiography also recounts his love for a teenage boy,[15][2] whose name, "Bāburī," signifies something belonging to Babur:
“ In those leisurely days I discovered in myself a strange inclination, nay! as the verse says, I maddened and afflicted myself" for a boy in the camp-bazaar, his very name, Baburi, fitting in...From time to time Baburi used to come to my presence but out of modesty and bashfulness, I could never look straight at him; how then could I make conversation and recital? In my joy and agitation I could not thank him (for coming); how was it possible for me to reproach him with going away? What power had I to command the duty service to myself? One day, during that time of desire and passion when I was going with companions along a lane and suddenly met him face to face, I got into such a state of confusion that I almost went right off. To look straight at him or put words together was impossible...In that frothing up of desire and passion, and under that stress of youthful folly, I used to wander, barehead, bare-foot, through street and lane, orchard and vineyard

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