aunt polly

Автор Ольга Случевская задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
1. "Are you fond of going to the theatre?" asked my friend. "Have you seen any plays by Shakespeare?" - My friend asked if I was fond of going to the theatre and wondered if I had seen some plays by Shakespeare.
2. Nellie asked me: "Did you see "Hamlet" last night?" - Nellie asked me if I had seen Hamlet the previous night.
3. I asked Nellie: "Shall we go to the theatre together?" - I asked Nellie if we should/would go to the theatre together.
4. "Does Mike like Shakespeare?" asked Nellie. "Will he go to the theatre with us?" - Nellie asked if Mike liked Shakespeare. She wondered if he would go to the theatre with them.
5. "I shall buy some new stamps for you if you give me this one," said Mike to Kate. - Mike told Kate that he should buy some new stamps for her if she gave him that one.
6. "Will yotf bring your sister to the party with you, Boris?" asked Mary. - Mary asked Boris if he would bring his sister to the party with him.
7. "Please don't touch me," he said to me. - He asked me not to touch him.
8. My father said: "I think I shall not go to the beach with you today because I am very busy. - My father thought that he wouldn't go to the beach with me that day, because he was very busy.
" 9. "I am very thirsty. Please give me some lemonade, Ann," said Tom. - Tom said that he was very thirsty. He asked Ann to give him some lemonade.
10. "Don't lie to me, Tom," said Aunt Polly. "I am tired of your lies." - Aunt Polly asked Tom not to lie to her. She added that she was tired of his lies.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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